Breakpoints being ignored

Mark Wieder mwieder at
Thu May 10 14:38:55 EDT 2012

stephen barncard <stephenREVOLUTION2 at ...> writes:

> Sadly, the only way I seem to be able to get the editor I want is to dive
> into GLX2 and try to find out what is wrong... but editing an editor is
> something I've never done before, and have a reluctance to try. Kudos to
> Mark for going in there.

Feel free to hack away at it. Writing a script editor isn't something I yearn to
do either. As project maintainer my job is mostly refactoring, fixing bugs where
they can be fixed (unfortunately there are a handful that can't) and
occasionally adding a feature that I want. There used to be a split screen
option where you could compare scripts, and the code seems to be there, but it
appears that I may have refactored that feature out of existence. I'll have to
see what it takes to bring it back.

 Mark Wieder

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