PayPal IPN & LC

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed May 2 12:50:52 EDT 2012

On 5/2/12 4:54 AM, dirk cleenwerck wrote:
> Good morning,
> Does this help.

Yes! Yes it does!! Excitement, happiness, joy joy!

In the simulator at least, this WORKS!!!:

on startup
     read from stdin until empty
     put it into tOrderData
     LOG the long time && "Received:" && tOrderData
     put "cmd=_notify-validate&" before tOrderData -- required response
     put "" into tPPAddr
     put "curl --data" &&quote& tOrderData &quote&& tPPAddr into tPostCmd
     put shell(tPostCmd) into tCurlRslt
     put last word of tCurlRslt into tResponse -- "VERIFIED"
     put "Status: 200 OK" &cr&cr -- > Magic line!
     put "ok"
     LOG the long time && "Response:" && tResponse
end startup


I'm afraid to try the real button...

Thank you.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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