Datagrid in scroller on iOS update speed?

Ken Corey ken at
Tue May 1 14:45:16 EDT 2012

On 01/05/2012 13:45, Colin Holgate wrote:
> There was a recent discussion about how having groups inside other
> groups will lead to poor performance, and that RunRev are looking
> into a way of defining a group as just being a container. Might that
> help your case?

Perhaps. I don't know enough to say.

Is there an easy way to test this?

> My guess about it is that the outer group is being handled as a
> texture, and as the inner group is changing that would mean the outer
> groups texture has to be completely updated. If the outer group was
> known to jut be a container, it wouldn't be processed as a texture,
> but the inner groups would, and should perform well.
> Meanwhile, what render settings are you using? If I'm right about the
> issue, setting the acceleratedRendering to false might improve the
> performance.

I set a toggle so I could set it to true or false at will, and didn't 
notice any difference between them.


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