Converting a Stack to many formats starting from XML

Bob Sneidar bobs at
Thu Jun 7 13:05:08 EDT 2012

But it wouldn't work as a stack anymore. If all a stack consisted of were the things in it, you could probably export to all those easily, but a stack is not just the things, but the interaction between the things, and the things and the user. How would you get a web version of a stack to reference another stack in a property in a button? How would you get any scripting to run at all? What would "me" mean in any context? 

A spreadsheet can be exported to a text document, sure. If all you care about is the data. But if you are then going to edit it, you will find out all your functions and calculated cells no longer work. You can export form. You cannot necessarily export function. 


On Jun 7, 2012, at 9:40 AM, Alejandro Tejada wrote:

> Hi Richard and Colin,
> Richard Gaskin wrote
>> [snip]
>> Maybe, but the absence of other devs anxious to dive in to help may also 
>> merely suggest that such a translator has limited utility to the
>> community. 
>> [snip]
>> But LiveCode stacks are only useful when run with the LiveCode engine.
> Well, that is an interesting point of view, because I see LiveCode stacks
> as a set of controls (Buttons, Scrollbars, menus, images, text fields,
> vector
> graphics, etc...) driven by user interactions and controled by a script
> language.
> Under that "broad" definition we could fit most (not all) of the current
> script
> driven software development and document creation.
> For this reason, I focus more in the similarities than in the differences 
> among different file formats. I want to see the day when a stack
> could be exported to SVG, HTML webpages, SWF movies, PDF documents
> (Jan Schenkel have already created this library), OpenOffice or LibreOffice
> documents and others.

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