revCopyFile questions

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Jun 1 13:47:03 EDT 2012

On 6/1/12 11:30 AM, Peter Haworth wrote:
> I'm trying to use revcopyfile to copy an application from a folder on my
> disk drive to a mounted disk image (OS X).  Keep getting "Execution error"
> from revCopyFile which really isn't very helpful.
> When copying an application file, should the file name be "myApp" or
> ""?  Or should I be using revCopyFolder?

Use revCopyFile and include the ".app" at the end. Provide the full 
path, the one you'd get back after an "answer file" dialog.

> What is the correct path to the mounted disk image?  I'm using
> "/Volumes/myImage.sparseimage", also tried specialFolderpath("Home")&
> "/Volumes/myImage.sparseimage" ( which I'm pretty sure isn't right).

It should start with "/Volumes/". To see if you have the path right try 
this in the message box: there is a folder "/Volumes/myImage". I assume 
the disk image is mounted already, right? If so, I don't think the 
".sparseimage" should be in the path because a mounted volume doesn't 
use that.

> Lack of a clear error message from revCopyFile is making it hard to figure
> out exactly what I'm doing wrong.

Is the vague error the only thing you get in the result? As far as I 
know, checking the result is the only way to get any info. If any of the 
paths are wrong you should get an error about not being able to open the 
file, or no such folder (or something similar; can't recall offhand 
exactly what it says.)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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