finding the name of the target's stack in a script

Dar Scott dsc at
Tue Jul 24 15:26:19 EDT 2012

On Jul 24, 2012, at 9:52 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
> Parsing the executionContexts may help, but if the button must be manually clicked it may be simpler to use the mouseStack function.

Thank you for your reminders of how bountiful the command and function set is.  I had forgotten about mouseStack() and even checked the dictionary to make sure this was not a joke.  

I have used executionContexts property and do more so now that it is in the dictionary, but the LC future version caveat propagates to my future compatibility caveats.  


Dar Scott

Dar Scott Consulting

Computer programming and tinkering,
usually in supporting those developing in 
LiveCode--typically by making LiveCode 
controls, libraries and externals, and
sometimes by writing associated
microcontroller firmware.  

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