StdOut on Windows

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Sun Jan 22 12:47:18 EST 2012

Nothing new there. I know for a fact that it doesn't work on Windows and am looking for a good trick.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

Download the Installer Maker Plugin 1.7 for LiveCode here

On 22 jan 2012, at 18:33, Thunder wrote:

> *User Guide.pdf  - Search for stdout*
> Output to Standard Out (stdOut or the Console on Mac OS X)
> The stdOut is a useful place to log messages. Unlike the Message Box, it is
> easy to log a
> sequence of events which you can then scroll back to review later on. It
> also has the
> advantage of being external to LiveCode so using it does not interfere with
> your
> application window layering or focus in any way. 
> *The stdOut is only available on Linux, Unix or Mac OS X systems.*   
> */<------ No windows /*
> On Mac OS X, it can be accessed by opening the Console
> application, located in the Utilities folder within Applications.
> The syntax to write something to stdOut or the Console is:
> write tMessage & return to stdout.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Search for *stdout in the dictionary* indicates that windows *is *supported
> under : *Supported Operating Systems*
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> it work on windows ... or not ?
> (LiveCode 5.0.1)
> Mark Schonewille-3 wrote
>> workaround .......
> ...sorry , no.

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