Send Data/Text From iOS to Desktop App on LAN?

Monte Goulding monte at
Wed Dec 19 16:32:54 EST 2012

On 20/12/2012, at 8:00 AM, JOHN PATTEN <johnpatten at> wrote:

> Monte & Mike…
> I like the idea of the teacher not having to share their IP by using the mergeBonjour external.  Lame question, but the mergeExternal would work on a Windows desktop app too?

The external doesn't. I will probably do a desktop version one day but not yet. You can use the dns-sd command line app via shell or open process to register the service.

>  …I'm guessing the desktop app has to announce that it is available via bonjour and this is done with the external? And then, the clients can report out all available Bonjour connections, i.e.  John Patten's  MacBook, Other Teacher's MacBook, etc. Student then just picks the correct teacher which then gives the client the path to send data to the teacher's App (IP)…?

Yes, that's how it works.
> Also Mike, can you elaborate on how I could use http between two LiveCode stacks?  Is this because HTTP is built into everything you essentially don't need the http server part and http can be used (post & get) if you know the address of the app you are trying to post or get from?
> For example, two stacks on the same LAN..
> Sender stack would do something like a... 
> post fld "student response" to URL "" cd fld "student data"
> or if I was using mergeBonjour would it be something like…
> after sending call for apps broadcasting Bonjour, select and store the target app (IP) in tTargetTeacher
> post fld "student response" to URL tTargetTeacher/user/johnpatten/Documents/TeacherServerAPP.rev " cd vld "student data"

You would need  a HTTP server library. There's a few around although I think it would be overkill for this use case unless you want to define an api that might be flexible between posting to the teacher's app and a server....

Monte Goulding

M E R Goulding - software development services
mergExt - There's an external for that!

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