is anyone using postgresql hosting from on-rev?

Bob Sneidar bobs at
Fri Aug 17 20:02:08 EDT 2012

Actually, this is the prescribed method for accessing any remote sql database. You really want to go through a web cgi to get to your data because you can control access much more easily this way. Direct access to a remote SQL database is a bad idea from a security standpoint, although I do it because I don't want or know how to fuss with a web site to make it work, and I need to be able to develop from anywhere. Also the data I have there is fictional anyway, it's all ipsum lorem-ish. 


On Aug 17, 2012, at 4:41 PM, Dr. Hawkins wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 3:43 PM, Pierre Sahores <sc at> wrote:
>> 1.- As client-side components, your stacks have to connect a server-side cgi-script engine (LiveCode, PHP, etc...) hosted on your on-rev account  in HTTP POST (prefered) or GET mode
>> 2.- This cgi will have to pass your client-side stack request (as a SQL statement) to the PostgreSQL request controller witch will reply to your cgi with the appropriate response
>> 3.- witch will be forwarded back to your client-side stacks
> Yikes.
> This will add an extra layer of pain . . . maybe I should use a different host.

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