iOS Control Instantiation problem

Ken Ray kray at
Mon Apr 9 23:11:18 EDT 2012

>   iphoneControlSet sScrollerId, "rect", the rect of group 1
>   put sum(the dgProps["column widths"] of grp 1) into tContentWidth
>   put (the dgProp["row height"] of grp 1) * (the number of elements of the dgData of grp 1) into tContentHeight
>   iphoneControlSet sScrollerId, "contentRect", (0, 0, tContentWidth, tContentHeight)

or better yet (thanks zyrip!):

   iphoneControlSet sScrollerId, "rect", the rect of group 1
   iphoneControlSet sScrollerId, "contentRect", (0, 0, (the dgFormattedWidth of grp 1),(the dgFormattedHeight of grp 1))

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Email: kray at
Web Site:	

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