Unicode Problem

Takashi Yoshino yoshino at sys.wakayama-u.ac.jp
Fri Apr 6 05:38:15 EDT 2012

Hi, expert!

I am very glad to add some functions of unicode in LC 5.5.

I use them, and I have some problems about the functions.

If you use the unicode functions, please give me some information.

1.  put unicode function

Here is my script.

on mouseUp
   put fld "Q1" into theUniData
   put unicode "テスト" into fld "A1"
end mouseUp

I am sorry, I used Japanese character in the script.
In LC 5.5, I can use Japanese text in the script ! It is great! 

But, the result of the script is bat.
Wrong character appeared in the field.

2. set the unicode text

Here is my script.

on mouseUp
   put "A1.txt" into theFileName
   put AbsolutePathFromStack(theFileName) into theFullPath
   open file theFullPath
   read from file theFullPath until EOF
   set the unicodeText of fld "A1" to it
   close file theFullPath
end mouseUp

I want read some Japanese from a file.

 LC can read text and put them into the field.
Almost is OK.

 But there is not line feed in the text.

If you use unicode function, please give me some information.

_.__ ._ _. ._ ._.__ .. ._._. _._ . ..__ ._.__ ._._. ___. .._ __.. __ .._ 
Takashi Yoshino 
Tel: +81-73-457-8441

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