[OT] HyperNext Android Creator

Richmond richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 15:48:18 EDT 2012

On 04/04/2012 10:36 PM, Tim Jones wrote:
> On Apr 4, 2012, at 11:58 AM, Richmond wrote:
>> Interesting enough, he mentioned to me that he had had great problems to do with getting a Linux port of HyperNext off the ground,
>> and stated:
>> "With hindsight I should have kept developing the Pascal version of HyperNext"
>> which seems most odd indeed.
> I suspect that this is because the older version of RS he's using to get the PPC / OS9 compatibility dates back to the 5.0 release days and things on Linux were very fresh and depended on a very archaic (now) version of GTK.
> The later versions of RS are much more complete and completely on par with the other platforms.
> Tim
> _______________________________________________

You are quite right; I just had this from the HyperNext chap:

"we are legally safe because we are still using RB 555 from a long time 
ago and when we started they had no such constraints.We still have the 
original license agreements"

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