Counting and numbering duplicates in a list

Dick Kriesel dick.kriesel at
Thu Sep 29 02:28:47 EDT 2011

On Sep 28, 2011, at 9:55 PM, Jan Schenkel wrote:

> command Dupend @pInput, @pOutput
>    local tLineDA, tLine
>    repeat for each line tLine in pInput
>       add 1 to tLineDA[tLine]["found"]
>    end repeat
>    put empty into pOutput
>    repeat for each line tLine in pInput
>       if tLineDA[tLine]["found"] = 1 then
>          put tLine & return after pOutput
>       else
>          add 1 to tLineDA[tLine]["current"]
>          put tLine & "-" & tLineDA[tLine]["current"] & return after pOutput
>       end if
>    end repeat
>    delete char -1 of pOutput
> end Dupend##

Shallower arrays might help a little.

function numberDuplicates pList
   local tCount, tIndex, tList
   repeat for each line tLine in pList
      add 1 to tCount[ tLine ]
   end repeat
   repeat for each line tLine in pList
      if tCount[ tLine ] = 1 then
         put tLine & cr after tList
         add 1 to tIndex[ tLine ]
         put tLine & "-" & tIndex[ tLine ] & cr after tList
      end if
   end repeat
   return tList
end numberDuplicates

Roger, will you share your timings for the various suggestions to crunch your big list?

-- Dick

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