Realbasic on the web without plugins

Keith Clarke keith.clarke at
Thu Sep 22 03:56:40 EDT 2011

Indeed so - and until/unless they do, there is a big hole in LiveCode's web deployment capability - and it'll only going to get bigger and affect more platforms if Windows 8 / IE10 does go down the no-plugins route.

However, maybe they don't need to 'boil the whole ocean at once'. Whilst it would be great to simply deploy full-blown, native stacks as complete rich web apps, there are constraints imposed by the browser as a platform. 

So, is there any merit in starting with the basics - support for static LiveCode cards as forms? Could where specific cards in a LiveCode server stack be enabled with a subset of UI controls (with maybe a restricted property set in this context) and be embedded within HTML page template code elsewhere on the server?

If moving parts were ignored (initially) don't most properties of LiveCode cards, fields, buttons, menus, images mapped to HTML and CSS parameters? Could JSON be used for custom properties? Could a set of standardised, minimal, Javascript utilities be used as client-side glue - maybe a RunRev jQuery library? Could the new cookies be used with this library to manage client states? Could moving parts be added subsequently with additional mappings of (a subset of LiveCode features) to standardised HTML, jQuery and Ajax?

Obviously, any technical architect reading the above will realise that I've no idea what I'm talking about ;-) 

However, this it seems less than impossible - and with a modular KISS approach, some aspects seem relatively easy (at least to state the requirements!) 

But even if it isn't easy, if RunRev don't grasp the nettle on this, developers who must deploy standards-based rich apps into cloud and locked-down Enterprise environments will be forced elsewhere, which would be a shame.

On 21 Sep 2011, at 23:53, Chipp Walters wrote:

> Yeah, it's certainly the mothership would have to take on...
> On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 2:54 PM, Andre Garzia <andre at> wrote:
>> Chipp,
>> I tried doing something similar but the one point that I could not solve
>> was
>> how to maintain state for the different clients. Unless I converted
>> everything to JS, then it was basically impossible. :-(
>> Cheers
>> andre
>> On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Chipp Walters <chipp at> wrote:
>>> Looks to me like it compiles to a binary CGI which serves up the app as
>>> HTML/CSS/AJAX/Javascript/etc..
>>> ooooo. That's the solution for LC.
>>> Wouldn't it be cool to develop a modular website engine, which could
>> easily
>>> be configured inside of RR? Or, take a really cool app, and put it on
>> your
>>> server, accessible for anyone with a browser, including iPhone, Android,
>>> Chromebook, Linux, Windows 8.9 and 10? And-- not have to worry about
>> stupid
>>> AppStores?
>>> ooooo.
>>> --
>>> Chipp Walters
>>> CEO, Shafer Walters Group, Inc.
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> Chipp Walters
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