Apple vs Android in the Enterprise

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Sep 16 01:25:11 EDT 2011

On 9/15/11 11:58 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:
> Recently, Jacque Landman Gay wrote:
>> I was just reading some articles today about Android's prominence and
>> promise, and how, given Apple's long time to market, some companies are
>> choosing more often to deploy first on Android. But the flip side of
>> that was discussed in another article I read, which talked about the
>> rampant piracy on Android, something which is nearly nonexistent on iOS.
> Regarding this one comment, I'm not sure who is claiming piracy is
> nonexistent on iOS, but that's flat out false.  Many games that come out get
> cracked within a week of getting any attention (saw it myself with my own),
> and my 13 year old knows where to find "free" versions of almost anything in
> the store.  Perhaps it's just not talked about as much because The Big A is
> always watching, and most people don't want to go through through the
> hassle.

Interesting, I had no idea. I can't remember who said it, I read so much 
stuff that comes through on my RSS feeds. In that case, the argument is 

But I wonder if they could crack a LiveCode app. It's a different 
animal, so the same security might apply as well to iOS as it does to 

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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