Apple vs Android in the Enterprise

Joe Lewis Wilkins pepetoo at
Thu Sep 15 18:38:51 EDT 2011

Hi Fellas,

I guess my only concern to this would be: is the quality of the applications as good and versatile on Android as on iOS? For example: how about the uses of music and voices? My Windows versions of my Mac Apps in which I use sound of almost any kind really sucks! Also, I just use a Mac with VM Fusion; can the Android apps run under Fusion? I realize that I'm not even talking about "like" apps, since I'm totally immobile at this time and will probably remain so, since my apps use a lot of Real Estate; hence just Desktop apps. Just curious, so I thought I'd ask.

Joe Wilkins

On Sep 15, 2011, at 3:25 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> Perhaps you found the simplifying solution in your opening:
>   ...and for Android we'll need..hmmm. zippo.
>   Just build and deploy on Android (sweet!)
> ;)

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