pasting clipboard from Excel

stephen barncard stephenREVOLUTION2 at
Tue Sep 13 11:11:48 EDT 2011

have you looked to see if there is data in other elements in the
clipboarddata besides [text] ?

On 13 September 2011 07:30, Colin Holgate <coiin at> wrote:

> I'm trying to copy some cells from Excel (Mac, 2008 Office version) and
> paste it into a field in LiveCode. If I do that with Numbers all is good.
> From Excel I get nothing.
> 'the clipboard' tells me that it contains 'text, but that 'the
> clipboarddata' is apparently empty.
> If I take a moment to paste the clipboard into another program, I can then
> go on to paste in LiveCode ok.
> Is there a way for LiveCode to see the text from Excel without first
> pasting it into another program?
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Stephen Barncard
San Francisco Ca. USA

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