New rendering testing

James Hurley jhurley0305 at
Tue Oct 18 19:13:20 EDT 2011

Hi Al,

On Oct 18, 2011, at  11:54 AM, Alejandro Tejada wrote:

> Hi Jim,
> James Hurley wrote:
>> Al,
>> The potential for LC in education is two-fold. One is in writing
>> educational software and the other is LC as a programming environment.
>> I see the latter as more valuable, particularly for science students.
>> FORTRAN  is for the heavy calculations where the programmer must make
>> allowances for the computer. LC is for those problems where more
>> consideration is given to the programmer over the computer. I remember
>> working with a zoologist analyzing the mechanics of the running cheata. I
>> did it in LOGO because it was faster to program and easier to obtain a
>> graphical representation of the data. The run-time for the program was
>> seconds.
>> Like you, I have found that RR has enriched my life, allowing me to work
>> out my ideas in a program designed by me to suit that particular idea.
> Yes, we are the "Inventive Users" about which Dan Shafer wrote. :-D
> James Hurley wrote:
>> Glad you enjoy Nine Ball With Spin. I confess that I may have spent only a
>> half hour playing the game. My game was in the programming. (I'm sure that
>> is an element for all of RRs aficionados.)  And if you are the type who is
>> tempted to cheat at solitaire, I am, then I have a upgrade for you: Nine
>> Ball With Projections. It  calculates where the struck ball will go, given
>> your selected path for the cue ball, and draws that line showing the
>> projected result. You can't miss. Not much fun unless you are failure
>> averse.
>>   go url
>> ""
> This looks great! The yellow line actually shows the possible
> trajectory of the red ball. :-D
> Now I only need an Undo menu command to reset the balls
> to their last position and be able to play many different shots
> from the same position.

Here is an undo version. (I'm pretty sure someone else also did this a while back.)

  go url ""

The ultimate game would be one that plays itself. The dynamics of pool is deterministic. 
One could program a game to play flawlessly all by itself. Love determinism. So predictable.
Quantum mechanics is a pain in the ass.

> Many Thanks again for sharing this game!
> Jim, keep up your landmarking work in this area.
> I am sure that many physics teachers would
> want to use Turtle graphics if they could learn
> about it. In the place where I live, many teachers
> have read about it, but no one knows how to use it
> in their classroom or if it is effective or still relevant today.
> Turtle graphics could benefit, greatly, of a makeover to
> adapt it technical terms, examples, demostrations and
> student's exercises to the environment of this century.
> If you look closely, you will find around you, many people
> of different ages that could provide ideas and beta testing.

My cup already runneth over. I'm 80 years old now, but still manage to keep busy. 

Only my memory is shot. But there are advantages to that as well. There is a lot I won't mind losing track of. 

> Today, with so many electronic gadgets created specifically
> to entertain, it should be shocking for the youngest students
> to learn that these could be used for learning or "work"...
> After reading about the "Gamification" of learning in revUP,
> I read again all the articles written by Mark Prensky about
> games and learning and I reached a different conclusion,
> starting from the same data.
> Right now, I borrowed one of the Pokemon's Guide to their
> games and I am taking notes about their strategies and
> methods to "engage" (this is the keyword: "engage") their
> players to complete their games (and buy more, when available)

Sounds like you lead a busy life. Busy is fun. 


> Al

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