Basic question: how to package file clusters for iPad

Andre Garzia andre at
Fri Oct 7 00:08:35 EDT 2011


You can use the mobile equivalent of RevBrowser and create a stack that
opens the pages as if they were local.

If you want to look into a technology that was created specifically to serve
local HTML/CSS/JS content as a mobile app, go to

Be aware that your current html setup can work with livecode and a web view.


On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 5:47 PM, Mark Powell <mark_powell at>wrote:

> Sort of a newbie question and not a LiveCode question per se, but...
> I generate a lot of simple HTML dynamically from LiveCode apps, which I
> post to web servers.  Some of the HTML clusters are formatted specifically
> for iPad consumption, and they display and function perfectly well in
> Safari.  However, stupid question: how can a customer bring that material
> down to his iPad so that he can use it offline?  I am guessing the answer is
> something like "make an app out of it", but does that mean that I need to
> develop with LiveCode on Mac OS?  Is there a way to package a static cluster
> of HTML/PNG/css/etc as an "app" and have it auto-update.
> Appreciate any leads or pointers.
> Mark
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