images gone in standalone

Chipp Walters chipp at
Mon Oct 3 13:35:15 EDT 2011

Couple things to look at:

1) Are the images stored in the stack or on the hard disk? Easy way to
check for this is select an image (not a button) and enter in the msg
box: put the filename of the selObj
If they're stored on the hard disk then you'll need to import them
into the stack. Use the "Import as Control" from the File menu in the
Rev IDE.

2) If the images are indeed not linked to filenames, check to see if
they are in the same stack. If they are not in the same stack, then
put them in the same stack and re-link them and then set their
visibility to false. I typically put a last card in the stack and
store all my images there, so I don't have to make them invisible. Of
course you don't want folks navigating to this card!

3) It might help speed things up if you do something like (card script
of main stack):

on preOpenStack
  go last cd
  go first cd
end preOpenStack

This effectively caches all images on the last card and speeds up execution.

Chipp Walters
CEO, Shafer Walters Group, Inc.

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