Reading PDF documents

Chipp Walters chipp at
Sat Oct 1 22:51:00 EDT 2011


If you actually took the time and checked it out, you would know what Graham
is talking about IS ALREADY COMPILED. I know you think you are being
helpful, but your two sentence responses to everyone's problems aren't
always the best. For instance, a couple weeks ago when your curt replies
diminished a student on these lists who only wanted to understand how LC
compiles scripts (thanks Richard for an excellent explanation!)

FYI, the ImageMagick DL is over 43 Mb, and the GhostScript install is
another 12 each for 64-bit and 32-bit. Plus there's the necessity of
detecting which Windows OS you're on vs which to install. Creating an
installer which can correctly install all of this is not trivial, and it
will create a final installation substantially larger in filesize than the
LC application-- and difficult for many to download. And then there's this
bit of information regarding AFTER installing the compiled binary:

"If you have any problems, install the Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable
Package (x86) or Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64). 64-bit
Windows requires both packages (x86 & x64)."

If I had to ship this functionality in a commercial app, I would commission
an external.

Frankly, I don't know of a single commercial app on Windows which forces the
install of ImageMagick-- for these very  reasons. It's difficult for
experienced users, almost certainly not trivial for newbies.

On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 1:49 PM, Mark Schonewille <
m.schonewille at> wrote:

> Hi Graham,
> Try downloading a binary instead of compiling it yourself.
> Schools should not behave like they're the European Central Bank but should
> just install the software teachers and pupils need.

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