mouse within oval filled area

James Hurley jhurley0305 at
Sun Nov 13 09:47:40 EST 2011


BOL! (Burst out laughing)

This may be more recognizable, the equation for the ellipse in rectangular coordinates:

 x^2  +  y^2  
-----     -----   =  1
 a^2     b^2

Just replace x by r*cos(theta) and y by r*sin(theta) and solve for r. Voila.

Well maybe not. Foreign languages are not difficult, just alien.

Speaking of which, I have no idea what the emoticon  :P means. I hope its not something naughty.

After two years of classical Greek I recall (?) that Ho strategos eine micros, means the general is small. (It doesn't look anything like this in modern Greek.) The rest is all Greek to me.


> On 11/13/11 12:01 AM, James Hurley wrote:
>  function r tA --Radial distance to the ellipse as afunction of the angle
>      put (cos(tA*pi/180))^2 / (a*a) + (sin(tA*pi/180))^2 / (b*b) into temp
>      return 1/sqrt(temp)
>  end r
> This means something, right? Well, for your information I happen to know 
> how to say "beer" in Turkish. So there. :P
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     
> jacque at
> HyperActive Software           |     

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