
J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu May 26 22:13:53 EDT 2011

On 5/26/11 3:44 PM, william humphrey wrote:
> What calls: revUpdateGeometry? I have a simple button that goes to
> particular card in a stack and I keep getting errors in revUpdateGeometry.
> revUpdateGeometry
> chunk: no such object
> Object btn "revGeometryBack" of grp "revLibraries"
> I don't use revGeometry anywhere as far as I know so I wonder how to debug
> this liveCode error?

Sounds like an object reference somehow got pointed to the wrong place. 
RevGeometry is stored as a custom property set in each object that uses 
it. Turn on "LiveCode UI Elements in Lists" in the View menu, then look 
in the button's custom property sets. There will be one called 
revGeometry. Delete the entire set.

One thing to note is that just opening the geometry pane in an object's 
inspector will create that property set, whether you use geometry or 
not. Usually that doesn't hurt anything, it's just an empty set.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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