Hide group on click

Keith Clarke keith.clarke at clarkeandclarke.co.uk
Fri May 6 10:58:33 EDT 2011

Jim - Thanks, You're right in that my typo didn't throw a script editor error but instead created a custom property - which I've now purged, (to save me wondering what it's for, when I rediscover it in a few months' time!)

On 6 May 2011, at 13:18, Jim Ault wrote:

> "the visibility of me" would be a custom property that you invent to hold text or other data.
> 'Visibility' is not a Rev property of an object.
> try this
>  set the visible of me to (not the visible of me)
> or
>  set the visible of me to not(the visible of me)
> Both should work for you.
> Since the mouseup will not work if the visible is false, why not make the code a little easier to understand by
>   set the visible of me to false
> On May 6, 2011, at 4:13 AM, Keith Clarke wrote:
>> I have a help 'draw' group that toggles open/closed (well, visible true/false) by mouseUp on a nearby help icon. However, I'd also like to have the drawer set to invisible if clicked. So, what's wrong with this script - placed on the group?
>> on mouseDown
>>  set the visibility of me to (not the visible of me)
>> end mouseDown
>> BTW The group is just a graphic background with a single field - and the field has lockText ON, autoHilite OFF and traversalOn OFF.
> Jim Ault
> Las Vegas

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