Livecode Server 4.6.3 - First impressions pt2 - using the new version at Dreamhost

stephen barncard stephenREVOLUTION2 at
Wed Jul 27 18:38:02 EDT 2011


Wow. Haven't done any speed benchmarks, and I've just started using this
version of LCS, but it offers what was missing before, and a lot more.

Stacks are full fledged citizens now .  One can 'start using stack x' -
one's  tested land-based libraries can be used at sea.

This is a ****** big deal!

One can create, delete and open stacks

stacks mean

One can set and get custom properties of any dimension
One can add and delete cards for more dimensions
One can store and obfuscate binary files in props
many dimensions  /stack/card/propertyset/property/property/property ... etc


no objects are allowed 'on' stacks. This will crash your code. (expected)
stacks must be saved immediately after changes, before the handler quits.


sitewide database tasks - saving visitor data in an array
libraries can be thoroughly debugged on the desktop and run intact in the
server environment

And here's my little editing surprise.

I had the IDE open for the dictionary, and had accidentally clicked on the
test *testprops.rev* file in the list in Transmit (the excellent FTP client
from Panic Software).  I expected to see the jumble of binary that usually
shows in text editors. Instead, it loaded into the open Livecode IDE!

I looked at the stack - it had all the changes I did and saved online. Then
I made some updates in the stack in the IDE, and saved it back to the site,
and they stuck!

I don't remember everything working like this before.

Round trip - edit compile save run  - the ultimate speed design setup.
Stacks are now on a par with text files for online editing ease.

Another thing - the "inline" error messages are much better than before -
more informative and right on the money.

 Great work REv team.


Stephen Barncard
San Francisco Ca. USA

more about sqb  <>

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