Lion problem report and fix

Pete Haworth lists.pete at
Thu Jul 21 18:15:22 EDT 2011

Thanks for that knowledge Richard, very useful.  One thing I noticed on my
Mac (OS X 10.6.8) is that all the folders inside the Application Support
folder are named simply with the application name not with bundle
identifier, so in the example quoted, they are in the MyApp folder, not the
com.example.MyApp folder.


On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 3:05 PM, Richard Gaskin
<ambassador at>wrote:

> Josh Mellicker wrote:
>  Just wanted to let everyone know, Lion permissions default to not allowing
>> Livecode to create folders in "/Library/Application Support/" with the
>> "create folder" command.
> I believe that's true with earlier versions as well if the current user is
> not admin.
> Apple recommends using the user's App Support folder, where LC's "create
> folder" seems to work well:
>   Contains all application-specific data and support files. These
>   are the files that your application creates and manages on behalf
>   of the user and can include files that contain user data.
>   By convention, all of these items should be put in a subdirectory
>   whose name matches the bundle identifier of the application. For
>   example, if your application is named MyApp and has the bundle
>   identifier com.example.MyApp, you would put your application’s
>   user-specific data files and resources in the ~/Library/Application
>   Support/com.example.MyApp/ directory. Your application is
>   responsible for creating this directory as needed.
> <**library/ios/#documentation/**
> FileManagement/Conceptual/**FileSystemProgrammingGUide/**
> MacOSXDirectories/**MacOSXDirectories.html#//**
> apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40010672-**CH10-SW1<>
> >
> There may be special cases where you'd need to use the system-wide App
> Support folder, but those should ideally invoke the admin dialog, since any
> access to system directories without that would pose a security risk.
> --
>  Richard Gaskin
>  Fourth World
>  LiveCode training and consulting:
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>  LiveCode Journal blog:**blog.irv<>
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