Lion & Xcode 3.2.6

Terry Vogelaar tvogelaar at
Thu Jul 21 00:45:58 EDT 2011

Hi there,

Is anyone experiencing this same problem with Lion?

I cannot save a stack as a standalone for iOS anymore since upgrading to Lion. When I go to the preferences and go under Mobile Support and choose 'Location of developer root for iOS 3.2 and above', it says '/Developer' like it should. When I browse to reselect it, it says: 'The chosen folder is not a valid iOS SDK for 3.2 and later. It must be the one that ships with XCode 3.2.4 or later.'

I also tried installing Xcode 4.1 for Lion, which is the preferred version for Lion, but that is not supported by RunRev (yet).

I'm on Developer Preview 4 of Lion. I wanted to upgrade yesterday, but I couldn't, because it is 'Already installed' according to the App Store. So I will download it at work and bring it here on an USB stick. Hopefully this resolves these issues.


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