datagrid: on closeeditor the accents are lost

Trevor DeVore lists at
Wed Feb 16 07:45:09 EST 2011

On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 5:30 PM, JosepM <jmyepes at> wrote:

>  Using this:
> SetDataOfIndex the dgIndex of me, the dgColumn of me, unidecode(the
> unicodeText of pFieldEditor, "utf8")
> Don't work. Still losing the accents...

In order to confirm whether or not the data grid might be messing up the
data I made a test. I created a new data grid from, added 3 lines of text
and customized the row behavior as follows:

1) Changed FillInData to the following:

*on* FillInData pDataArray

   *set* the unicodeText of field "Label" of me to uniencode(pDataArray["label
1"], "utf8")

*end* FillInData

2) Updated mouseDoubleUp so that UTF8 text is used as in your example. Note
that because you are passing 3 parameters to EditFieldText any edits made
will be stored in the data grid automatically.

*on* mouseDoubleUp pMouseBtnNum

   *local* theKey

   *if* pMouseBtnNum is 1 *then*

      *if* the dgProps["allow editing"] of the dgControl of me *then*

         *switch* the short name of the target

            *case* "Label"

               *put* "Label 1" into theKey

               *set* the dgTemplateFieldEditor["utf8text"] of the dgControl
of me to unidecode(the unicodetext of field 1 of me,"utf8")

               EditFieldText the long ID of the target, the dgIndex of me,


         *end* *switch*

      *end* *if*

   *end* *if*

   *pass* mouseDoubleUp

*end* mouseDoubleUp

I then edited the lines in the data grid, adding é as well as some accented
Turkish characters. All changes were successfully saved and displayed in the
data grid.

Next I tried adding a CloseFieldEditor handler that saves the UTF8 text to
the data grid:

*on* CloseFieldEditor pEditor

   SetDataOfIndex the dgIndex of me, "Label 1", unidecode(the
unicodetext ofpEditor,

   RefreshIndex the dgIndex of me

*end* CloseFieldEditor

Even though I shouldn't be setting the data in the data grid because I used
3 params with EditFieldText my tests still worked. They also worked if I
changed EditfieldText in mousedoubleUp so that only 1 parameter was passed
to it.

Based on these tests (let me know if you see anything wrong) I am inclined
to say that you still have a point in your code where you are not processing
the text as UTF8.


Trevor DeVore

Blue Mango Learning Systems


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