Pages per Sheet setting for open printing to pdf

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Dec 15 23:23:05 EST 2011

On 12/15/11 8:28 PM, gmcrev wrote:
> I am wondering whether it would be useful to request for a new command
> that would set the number of pages per sheet for printing.
> ie. 2 A4 pages would be reduced and printed on 1 A4 page. I can't seem
> to find any livecode commands to do this.

You can use the "into rect" form of the print command:

print this card into l,r,t,b -- put some pixel numbers there

Printing into a specified rectangle automatically scales the card image 
to fit. You'd need to calculate the rectangles that encompass the top 
half and the bottom half. Then open printing, print one card into the 
top rect, the second card into the bottom rect, then print a break. The 
break forces a new page. Pseudo-sorta-code:

put "18,18,594,374" into tTopRect
put "18,380,594,752" into tBottomRect
open printing -- with dialog, if you want
print card 1 into tTopRect
print card 2 into tBottomRect
print break
-- repeat that for each pair of cards
close printing

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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