Save screenshots from every card in a stack

Alejandro Tejada capellan2000 at
Fri Apr 22 22:18:55 EDT 2011

Hi all,

This small piece of code allows to save a
screenshot from every card in a stack.

To use this code in your stack, you should
provide a valid filepath in your platform of
choice and use the actual name of your

-- To save screenshots as PNG
-- ---------------------------------------------------------
repeat with i = 1 to the number of cards of this stack

if i < 10 then
put "C:/myFile_00" & i & ".png" into tFile
put "C:/myFile_0" & i & ".png" into tFile
end if

go to card i
export snapshot from this cd of stack "myStack" to file tFile as PNG

end repeat

-- To save screenshots as JPEG
-- ---------------------------------------------------------

set the JPEGQuality to 90

repeat with i = 1 to the number of cards of this stack

if i < 10 then
put "C:/myFile_00" & i & ".jpg" into tFile
put "C:/myFile_0" & i & ".jpg" into tFile
end if

go to card i
export snapshot from this cd of stack "myStack" to file tFile as JPEG

end repeat

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