LC Mobile iOS Upload Figured Out

Bob Sneidar bobs at
Mon Nov 29 18:31:10 EST 2010

I used to get the same thing with graphics artists. They would import their assets right from the source, like a removable hard drive or a network share, without thinking what would happen when they took the project folder down to the service bureau to get film seps made. The next thing to happen would be I would get a call from the service bea. 

Eventually all good illustration apps developed a "preflight" method, to gather resources so this would not happen. Still, I think it's a good idea to teach people about resource management, from the start of the project to the final version, and on into backup and archive as a complete workflow of any project of this nature. 


On Nov 26, 2010, at 8:35 PM, Randy Hengst wrote:

> Hi All,
> Thanks Colin for getting me to think of another thing to check. Short story... all is well at the moment...
> Less than short story....
> Well, the only two png images are the splash screen and app icon....
> I tried the app in the simulator before I built the deployment version.... splash worked, icon worked, sounds worked....
> Well, apparently during one of my "clean up the desktop moments" I moved some of the assets to a different folder.... don't know why that didn't mess things up with the simulator.... but, when I open the package contents of the mobile build I found several of the files to be listed as zero KB.... they shouldn't have been. So, I reconnected the files and all went well with build and sending to Apple.
> take care,
> randy

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