delete chunk.

Jim Ault jimaultwins at
Wed Nov 3 12:50:26 EDT 2010


On Nov 3, 2010, at 8:41 AM, Mike Bonner wrote:

> In my opinion?  it SHOULD say 3.  2 lines with stuff, and 1 blank.  
> Of course
> it says 2, but this is the same reason people "delete the last char  
> of.."
> when doing things.  If you fill a field with "this" & cr & "that" &  
> cr, and
> then click at the bottom of the field, your cursor goes to the blank  
> line
> underneath the 2 lines with text. The line exists, it should be  
> counted.
> Looking at it the other way, if you put fred into line 1 of field 1,  
> put
> mike into line 2 of field 1, the cr is added between the 2  
> automatically,
> but there is no extra trailing line.  There are 2 lines.
> Having text for line 1 & cr empty for line 2 & cr text for line 3,  
> at that
> point, line 2 looks and acts exactly like line 2 would look and  
> behave if
> there were no line 3. You can click in it, type in it, it acts like  
> a line.
> And is counted as a line like it should be.  If however it is a  
> trailing
> empty line it is not counted.  It's the same exact thing. A cr  
> followed by
> empty.  Simply adding another line after it shouldn't make it  
> magically
> appear as a line. either it is or it isn't, at least so it seems to  
> me.
> Having said all this, there is most likely a reason it is the way it  
> is that
> I don't have enough knowledge to understand.  As with removing  
> trailing
> carriage returns, if it's a null item it isn't difficult to work  
> around and
> i'm not sure I can come up with a valid reason for actually having  
> an empty
> item, but that doesn't mean there isn't a use for it.  /shrug
> As a last visual example, I have several spice bottles in my  
> kitchen, some
> of which are empty.  If I re-arrange them so that an empty one is on  
> the end
> of the row it doesn't cease to exist, and it doesn't pop back in to  
> being
> because i put it between 2 spice bottles that DO have contents.
> On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 9:20 AM, J. Landman Gay <jacque at 
> >wrote:
>> On 11/3/10 9:00 AM, Mike Bonner wrote:
>>> Actually, I think that's exactly the problem.  "a,b,,," has 4  
>>> items.  The
>>> trailing , is ignored.  "a,b,,,e" has 5 items.  putting a space,  
>>> or some
>>> type of invisible char after the trailing , makes it 5 items.  It  
>>> drives
>>> me
>>> nuts, if the comma is there it should designate a null item  
>>> whether its in
>>> the middle or at the end.
>> Okay, then how many lines should be in:
>> a<cr>
>> b<cr>
>> ?
>> --
>> Jacqueline Landman Gay

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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