Thoughts on Kevin's announcement

Michael Kann mikekann at
Wed May 12 12:20:57 EDT 2010

David and Jerry, 

The customer could avoid having to buy any Mac hardware if they could design their app on the Rodeo website itself. The website could act as a development IDE and a simulator both. When you are done designing your app then anyone could download the app from the Rodeo website. This would be very good advertizing for Rodeo because people could see all the apps made with it.

One question for Jerry:

Why are you targeting the iPad and not the iPhone. I know you like to stay ahead of the curve, but it seems like there are a lot more potential customers for iPhone.


--- On Wed, 5/12/10, David C. <davidocoker at> wrote:

> From: David C. <davidocoker at>
> Subject: Re: Thoughts on Kevin's announcement
> To: "How to use Revolution" <use-revolution at>
> Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2010, 10:55 AM
> This is more of an editorial comment
> rather than adding anything much
> of real value to the discussion, but here goes...
> RunRev offers some awesome products and this list community
> is just
> about as good as it gets anywhere. With that said, I can
> add that
> although I sincerely admire what you folks have planned for
> Rodeo, it
> is highly unlikely that I'll ever become a customer or
> user.
> > You don't need revServer, On-Rev, revPlugin, revMobile
> or even Revolution
> > IDE to use Rodeo. You don't even need to get online
> storage for you web
> > apps as that's included in Rodeo's small monthly fee.
> What it *does* require though, is the purchase or ownership
> of Apple
> hardware (the iPad for sure and/or a Mac computer should
> the Windows
> version not come about) and I have no intentions of ever
> "going there"
> again.
> Apple's restrictive and unwarranted policies have cost them
> (and
> Rodeo) at least one customer for the future. As much as I
> enjoy the
> functionality, ownership of the iPhone even feels a bit
> "dirty" to me
> now. An Android phone will most likely be in my future.
> I've become a customer to many of you here that offer Rev
> related
> products... just purchased the conference dvd's, should
> have a
> RevServer account by the end of the week and have plans to
> upgrade to
> the Enterprise edition and/or add RevMobile sometime in the
> near
> future.
> I try to be supportive to all of you offering Rev related
> products
> that I need or can use (like Rodeo), but not at the expense
> --no pun
> intended-- of owning or purchasing Apple hardware in the
> future.
> A sad state of affairs, huh?
> Best regards,
> David C.
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