AW: AW: need advice for keeping file flags in a zip

Thierry D. th.douez at
Tue May 4 14:36:05 EDT 2010

Le 4 mai 2010 à 20:22, Bob Sneidar a écrit :

> A zip program on the other hand, has to create it's own compressed file structure inside the file the OS knows about. It would then be up to the developer to set the flags appropriately, as the OS has no part to play with what is going on inside the compressed file.

Well, as much as I understood, ditto should be aware of that. It is clearly explain in the man doc.
Inside the zip, it creates a special folder __MACOSX/ where all specifics extended flags are stored
You can see that doing an unzip -l

From tiger, to Leopard and Snow leopad they have change few default options....
but it's globally all the same.

What is strange, is doing a ls -la@ and ls -laO after unzipping, the "quarantine" flag is here,
but not seen at the end of the process ?

Sounds a bug to me, or I miss something.

Doing a compress folder from the contextual menu gives the same results.

Hidden flags are propagated, but not the uchg ?


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