AW: How to translate a rev path to an absolut unix path?

Thierry D. th.douez at
Sat May 1 15:41:24 EDT 2010

Le 1 mai 2010 à 17:47, Tiemo Hollmann TB a écrit :

> Bon soir Thierry,
> your proposal seems to be half the way.

Bonsoir Tiemo,

So, did check with your specs.
add a bundle folder in my dir, hide and lock a test file inside the bundle folder
and did this :

-- create a zip file keeping all specifics macos flags

> ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc SrcFolder

-- check what is inside the zip file
> unzip -l

  Length     Date   Time    Name
 --------    ----   ----    ----
     6148  04-23-10 19:05    .DS_Store
        0  05-01-10 21:28        __MACOSX/
       82  04-23-10 19:05       __MACOSX/._.DS_Store
        0  04-18-10 07:32       .localized
       13  05-01-10 15:32       f1
       82  05-01-10 15:32       __MACOSX/._f1
       15  05-01-10 15:32       f2
        0  05-01-10 21:10        tdzx.bundle/
        0  04-27-10 11:22         tdzx.bundle/Contents/
     1225  04-27-10 11:26     tdzx.bundle/Contents/Info.plist
        0  04-29-10 09:17        tdzx.bundle/Contents/MacOS/
   216920  04-29-10 09:17   tdzx.bundle/Contents/MacOS/tdzimgdatafilter
        0  04-27-10 11:22         tdzx.bundle/Contents/Resources/
        0  04-27-10 11:22         tdzx.bundle/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/
       92  04-27-10 11:22       tdzx.bundle/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
       13  05-01-10 21:10       tdzx.bundle/test
        0  05-01-10 21:28        __MACOSX/tdzx.bundle/
       82  05-01-10 21:10       __MACOSX/tdzx.bundle/._test

-- You can see these __MACOSX/.... files. they store the flags values.

> ditto -x -k Z

Done !

Tres belles fetes du muguet :)


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