Interesting discussion on iPad content

Scott Rossi scott at
Tue Mar 30 15:39:44 EDT 2010

Recently, Brian Yennie wrote:

> I wonder if a starter version of RevMobile would be in order - i.e.
> - Shows a Rev splash screen
> - Must be a free app
> That would seem to allow people to "test the waters" with a nice app for $0
> down, and then if they had something worth selling they would need to purchase
> the full RevMobile.

Great idea Brian.  This is exactly what GameSalad does -- $99 Express
version (doesn't have to be a free app though).  The splash screen does all
the advertising.  It's a double edged sword though, because when the final
app is, shall we say, "less than stellar", the mediocre perception is
associated with the company.  I will say that the "cost to play" made it
very appealing to jump into it, and I would not have done so had the cost
been in the $1000 range.

In any event, I believe that these higher level architectures are the way to
go to make revenue from a larger audience.  Sure it might be effective if
every soon-to-be-developer on the planet learned Objective C, but I expect
most people want a faster path (I sure do :-)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

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