sqlYoga: best way to import lots of data

David Bovill david at vaudevillecourt.tv
Wed Mar 24 15:27:44 EDT 2010

I'm working on a database for rev handlers using sql yoga. I want to import
a few thousand hander references into the db. So far I've got something

     put sqlrecord_CreateObject ("handler") into theRecordA
>       sqlrecord_set theRecordA, "name", "menu_CreateTable"
>       sqlrecord_set theRecordA, "type", "c"
>       sqlrecord_set theRecordA, "object", scriptObject
>       sqlrecord_set theRecordA, "number", 1
>       sqlrecord_create theRecordA

I'm thinking it would be better / faster to create one big numerically
indexed array and then update - any ideas on the syntax for that?

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