how to set the textStyle of word 1 of the selection?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Mar 17 13:25:04 EDT 2010

Andre.Bisseret wrote:

> P.S. I still play "JQ Boggle" a lot. But got a conflict with the other 
> game I am addicted to: "tRev", where "command + R" shifts from Rev to 
> tRev and vice versa. So that I have to quit tRev to be able to rescore 
> in JQ Boggle. Might be I should report that to the RQCC ;-O))))))

Andre, you can click with the mouse where the score appears and it will 
rescore. That way you don't need to quit tRev.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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