very strange rev behavior

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Thu Mar 4 22:07:33 EST 2010

On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 12:51 PM, rand valentine <jrvalent at> wrote:
> For some reason, Rev has started taking 50 times as long to open as it used
> to, and the menus are so slow as to be completely unusable. I thought the
> program was frozen, just a spinning beach ball for minutes on end as it
> started up, then slowly it went through the process of opening and finally
> opened. But choosing any menu item just creates a spinning beach ball that
> lasts for several minutes. Clicking on the Close button in a window also
> produces a good minute of beach ball spinning. I downloaded a new copy of
> Rev and installed it, same problem. It seems to only be Rev that is affected
> by this, though it seems to be REV vs OS interface issue. I thought perhaps
> some Preferences file was trashed but replaced those I could find. I'm
> running Enterprise version 4.0 under Mac OS X Server Verision 10.5.8, on a
> Power Mac 2.66Gz Quad Core Intel Xeon with 8Gb of memory. I SOOOO miss Rev,
> I hadn't realized how important it is to my daily workflow!

When Rev starts up, it connects to the Rev servers to check for
updates and to show the data in the Start Center. Do you have it
showing the Start Center on startup? If so, try turing that off and
trying in case, just in case your firewall is blocking some


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