[OT] MacZot bundle features SuperCard

Lynn Fredricks lfredricks at proactive-intl.com
Tue Mar 2 10:54:50 EST 2010

> it all depends on your margin right? As you said, you may 
> make little but not only you expand the user base but you get 
> visibility as well. Many times, I passed a maczot offer 
> because I didn't need the product but later recommended or 
> mentioned it to friends or in some really unlucky cases 
> needed the software afterwards and paid full price. I don't 
> know if I am gifted with an uncanny software remembrance 
> (does that word exists?) but I tend to remember what I see on 
> maczot even months later... maybe is that the sum of words 
> like SALE and SOFTWARE makes a big impression on me like 
> SHOES and SALE makes on some people.

That's right. A lot of folks don't necessarily see the value in dropping the
price for a special offer so low, because they are looking at the short term
and not the long term value of customer acquisition and PR value. Revolution
has been there before, too, when it made sense. I can see SuperCard being
there because they volume customer acquisition and PR value is exactly what
they need.

If you have a specialized, expensive, vertical market product, MacZot might
not be the way to go. Its harder to upsell later and there is a potential
blow to perceived value if you drop your price from $999 to $49.

I often work with magazines to give away older versions of software. Once
you acquire a customer, even if they don't upgrade within a short term,
you've already got a relationship with them.

MacZot doesn't need to make that much money off of each unit, but their
reasons are different from yours. They are able to do their thing all the
time. They have a smart operation.

On the other hand, there are companies out there that want to give you
access to their customer base for sales purposes, but not share with you the
customer list. Ive never been fond of that because that means you aren't
building any "customer equity". Some software developers will do it, because
the partner will give access to a channel they are not able to acquire
themselves without huge investments.

That's one of the reasons why you see some titles showing up in the Apple
Store under someone else's brand, but you are already familiar with them as
a direct seller of their product. The cost of getting into stores is high -
especially the Apple Store.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Paradigma Software

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