fonts: what is a "point" in Linux/Gnome?

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Mon Mar 1 19:44:22 EST 2010

Bob Sneidar wrote:

 > What would REALLY be nice, is if there were properties in Rev for
 > Default Field Font, Default Label Font, Default Button font etc,
 > with sizes and styles to match. Then it would be a simple matter
 > of changing the defaults depending on what platform you were running.
 > As is, you have to do repeat loops on all your objects until a better
 > fix can be had.

Yes, a simple built-in way to handle this would be a great addition for 
a multi-platform development tool like Rev:


In the meantime, Ken and I discovered that we each do something very 
similar to what you described, and have begun collaborating on a central 
library to handle that (and a whole lot more).  Once it gets fleshed out 
it'll be submitted to the Rev Interoperability Project for review and 
enhancement, but I've started using it in one of my apps now.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
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