an annual calendar somewhere?

Andre.Bisseret Andre.Bisseret at
Mon Mar 1 04:59:58 EST 2010

Bonjour Zryip,

Le 27 févr. 10 à 20:21, zryip theSlug a écrit :
> To fix this bug, replace the pad part by this new portion:
>    -- Pad beginning with empty days:
>   put createDate(tYear,tMonthNumber,1) into tStartDay
>   convert tStartDay to dateitems
>   get last item of tStartDay
>   if (pFirstDayWeek is "Monday") then
>      if (it = 1) then
>         put 6 into tPad -- fix the case that the day is Sunday (value
> 1) - 2 = - 1
>      else
>         put (it - 2) into tPad
>      end if
>   else
>      put (it - 1) into tPad
>   end if
>   repeat for tPad
>         put "   " after tCal
>   end repeat
Nice! all is OK now
> Now a little trick with my code. It could give you free times if you
> have missed it ;)

You are really considerate ;-))
> How to create an easy loop to add months:
> put createDate(2010,1,1) into tStartDate -- Create the January, 1 2010
> in your local language system
> repeat with tMonthNumber = 0 to 11 -- Create months for January (1) to
> December (12)
>      put cal(addToDate(tStartDate,0,tMonthNumber,0),"Monday") & cr
> after fld "MyField"
> end repeat
Thanks a lot. That's working like a charm. The 12 months are created  
very fast. Magnifique! (table or lines as well :-))

I am doing trials to improve my "in lines" layout : I think I will  
keep only one line for the days of weeks at the top of the field and I  
will isolate the months' names in an extra field on the left (to avoid  
that a month'name be selected when dragging from the end of a month to  
the beginning of the following one.
Have a nice week

Best regards from Grenoble


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