Rev- for renaming files according to folder name

Jim Ault jimaultwins at
Fri Jun 25 01:23:24 EDT 2010

A few tweaks that make the code a few lines shorter.

On Jun 24, 2010, at 5:09 PM, Alex Tweedly wrote:

> Sounds a perfect task for Rev. Here is a scrit I had lying around  
> that did something similar - modified to suit, tested VERY minimally  
> and with some debugging left in place :-)
> Basically - modified by the tips of my fingers, so check it  
> carefully before using .... and watch for line wrap ..
> local sCount
> on mouseUp
>   set the defaultFolder to "/Users/alextweedly"
>   put empty into field "F"
>   put the folders into tFolders
*   filter tFolders without ".*"
>   repeat for each line F in tFolders
>      --* if the first char of F is not "." then
>         doOneFolder F
>       --* end if
>   end repeat
> end mouseUp
> on doOneFolder pFolder
>   put the defaultFolder into tWhere
>   set the defaultFolder to pFolder
>   put "do" && pFolder && the defaultFolder && the number of lines in  
> tAllFiles && the number of lines in tFiles & CR after field "F"
>   put 0 into sCount
>   put the detailed files into tAllFiles
*   filter tAllFiles without ".*"
>   repeat for each line L in tAllFiles
>      ---* if isInteresting(item 1 of L) then
*        if (char -4 to -1 of L is in ".png .jpg .bmp .doc") then
>         put L & CR after tFiles
>      end if
>   end repeat
>   put the defaultFolder && the number of lines in tAllFiles && the  
> number of lines in tFiles & CR after field "F"
>   sort lines of tFiles by item 4 of each -- is this same item on Win ?
>   repeat for each line L in tFiles
>      doOneFile pFolder, URLDecode(item 1 of L)
>   end repeat
>   set the defaultFolder to tWhere
> end doOneFolder
---- don't need the  isInteresting()   function
---- added one line and modified one line above
> function isInteresting pFile
>   --put "try " && pFile & CR after field "F"
>    if char 1 of pFile is "." then
>      --      put "nope" & CR after field "F"
>       return false
>    end if
>   if pFile contains ".png" then return true
>   if pFile contains ".jpg" then return true
>   if pFile contains ".bmp" then return true
>   if pFile contains ".doc" then return true
>   --put "Nope" & CR after field "F"
>   return false
> end isInteresting
> on doOneFile pFolder, pFile
>   add 1 to sCount
>   set the itemDelimiter to "."
>   put "rename" && pFolder && pFile && "-->" && \
>         format("%s%05d.%s", pFolder, sCount, item -1 of pFile) & CR  
> after field "F"
> end doOneFile
> -- Alex.
> On 24/06/2010 17:59, Kurt Kaufman wrote:
>> I think that the following sounds like a good task for Rev; just  
>> want to make sure:
>> OS: WinXP SP3
>> About 1300 folders at same level; each folder with 10-200 files of  
>> type jpg,png,bmp,doc.
>> Would rename every file within folder to the name of that folder  
>> plus incremented number, i.e.
>> name_of_folder00001.jpg
>> followed by, potentially,
>> name_of_folder00002.doc.
>> Important: The files would be renamed and sorted by creation date  
>> only, so that
>> name_of_folder00001.jpg
>> would be newer than
>> name_of_folder00002.doc.
>> I'm pretty sure that I could apply the programming WD-40 to my  
>> brain and remember how to do this (would be a good exercise, also),  
>> but would appreciate any tips, warnings, etc.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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