Pink Elephants & MC Tutorial

Wilhelm Sanke sanke at
Sun Jul 11 16:05:15 EDT 2010

On Sun Jul 11, 2010, David C. davidocoker at wrote:

> Thank you, Wilhelm!
> It seem to run just fine, but many of the graphics (including the
> elepahant ) must have been stored as files instead of embedded into
> the stack because they never appear on screen. Still though, it's fun
> to see the demo again. :)
> Heh, I never knew that Kevin was the author... that's really cool!
> (Thanks Kevin!)
> Best regards,
> David C.

Hello David,

what was missing was a folder "demo" that contains all the graphics and 
one video. I have now bundled this folder and the mcdemo2 stack and 
uploaded it to


Best thing to do, put the stack and folder into the same folder where 
the Rev or Mc engine is located. Works even with Rev 4.5-dp3, but you 
will see the whole design has sort of a "historical" quality. This 
surely does not detract from the overall inventive and attractive format.


Wilhelm Sanke

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