Looking for volunteers to create Wikipedia on CD application

Alejandro Tejada capellan2000 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 24 16:11:06 EST 2010

Hi Bjornke,

On Sun, 24 Jan 2010 14:08:38 +0100
Bjornke von Gierke wrote:

> sounds nice

Yes, and this platform offers all the features
needed to create this CD or DVD.

> what work exactly needs to be done?

An application that seach and display the xml text
format and images used by Wikipedia, in every platform
available for Runrev.

> where can one look at example xml files?


and every wikipedia page shows near the top an option:
View source

> why do you think you need help?
To create a multiplatform project, it's neccesary to
build and test in every platform where Runrev is

> will you manage and direct the efforts?
No, i could help with some code and testing in
Windows XP and Vista.

> including media installers is allowed by runrev,
> but of course one should ask em beforehand.


> note that the browser external is only available for mac and win.
> so it'd be probably good if the content could be shown in fields,
> and not use that external, on-rev or the web plugin. but maybe
> you had a different idea about how to do it?

Yes, a field could work too, but displaying the page inside a
web browser should be ideal.

Many thanks for your answers and interest.
Have a nice weekend! :-)


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