Vista/Win7 priveleges

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Jan 22 14:52:40 EST 2010

Jim Bufalini wrote:

> So, I think you can safely ignore this "warning" unless on initial launch
> your program writes something to, for example, the System32 directory and
> then wants to totally overwrite that file later. 

Thanks very much, Jim. Just what I needed to know. My app doesn't have 
any time-critical operations or write any files at launch, it just sits 
there and waits for the user to do something, so it sounds like we're 
okay. My client wants that auto-run checkbox because his customer base 
is largely computer illiterate. Many don't know how to start an app 
without it.

(Makes me wish you had to get some kind of license to run a computer.)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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