FTP listing using "libURLftpCommand"

Luis luis at anachreon.co.uk
Tue Jan 19 05:32:55 EST 2010


If the year isn't LISTed then assume the current year. You can also  
parse for ':' and any that don't have it have the year...

Other than that, the LIST command should take a filename ('LIST  
filename') and return full information, so you could parse the return  
from LIST and then pump through the filenames (those that have a ':').



On 19 Jan 2010, at 00:45, stephen barncard wrote:

> Thanks...this sort of works.....  the example needs to use the URL  
> keyword
> though
> put URL ("ftp://user:pass@host.com/directory/") into theListOfFiles
> this does list ok, similar listing to the HTTP method, however the  
> dates in
> the listing are not consistent.
> drwxr-x---   21 sbarncar 99           4096 Dec 31 03:03 .
> drwx--x--x   15 sbarncar sbarncar     4096 Jan 15 01:51 ..
> -rw-r--r--    1 sbarncar sbarncar        0 Dec 30 12:06 .htaccess
> drwxr-xr-x    2 sbarncar sbarncar     4096 Jul 11  2009 .smileys
> drwxr-xr-x   12 sbarncar sbarncar     4096 Jun 20  2009 barncard
> drwxr-xr-x    2 sbarncar sbarncar     4096 Dec 22 03:35 blasters
> Some directories have the year, and some just have the month and  
> day. Is
> this just the way it is? The year is just not important?
> I wonder how Transmit and other FTP clients get this date info  
> correctly?
> sqb
> -------------------------
> Stephen Barncard
> San Francisco
> http://houseofcubes.com/disco.irev
> 2010/1/18 Björnke von Gierke <bvg at mac.com>
>> generally, you can go to ftp directories, and get a rev-like listing:
>> put "ftp://user:pass@host.com/directory/" into theListOfFiles
>> if you know that and still want to use the list command yourself,  
>> then i
>> suggest to use shell, because rev doesn't open the data connection  
>> for you,
>> and it seems you need that for file listings. (ftp has a data and  
>> a command
>> port, and some servers need you to use both, this can be  
>> controlled by
>> active and passive mode (via liburlsetftpmode), but for what  
>> you're trying
>> that's not much help anyway). Seriously, i've looked into this  
>> once, and am
>> now glad to know that I never will need to implement it myself,  
>> thus i
>> suggest again:
>> put "ftp://user:pass@host.com/directory/" into theListOfFiles
>> finally, note that setting the liburlftplistcommand is useless if  
>> you use
>> liburlftpcommand to get listings of files "by hand"(basically
>> liburlftpcommand is more of an internal handler, and using it  
>> forfaits a few
>> build in things).
>> On 19 Jan 2010, at 00:37, stephen barncard wrote:
>>> I'd like to use the LIST command and get a decent directory  
>>> listing using
>>> the FTP library. Yes I know about parsing a HTML listing of a  
>>> directory
>> and
>>> it really is incomplete (like year information).
>>> Currently only some of the libURL ftp commands work with the ON- 
>>> REV ftp
>>> setup, which  a piece of Open Source called "Pure-FTPd -
>>> http://pureftpd.org/"
>>> HELP    returns {   214 Pure-FTPd - http://pureftpd.org/   }
>>> LIST "/"     returns   {  425 No data connection   }
>>> PWD     returns  {   "/"    }
>>> SYST    returns  {   215 UNIX Type: L8  }
>>> Has anyone used LIBURL successfully trying to gain control of the  
>>> other
>> FTP
>>> commands, especially LIST?
>>> here's the simple code:
>>> on mouseup
>>>      get returnAffectedFieldName()
>>>      put it into tObject
>>>      put "LIST"  into ftpCommandLine
>>>      libURLSetFTPListCommand "LIST"
>>>      get  libURLftpCommand(ftpCommandLine,kFTPAdr,kLogin,kPasw)
>>>      put it into fld tObject
>>> end mouseup
>>> We really need more examples in the docs.  Or is this broken? Help,
>> please,
>>> Dave Cragg.
>>> -------------------------
>>> Stephen Barncard
>>> San Francisco
>>> http://houseofcubes.com/disco.irev
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