BSD and HP9K700 standalones . . . ?

Richmond Mathewson richmondmathewson at
Mon Jan 18 05:43:16 EST 2010

Having equipped  myself with a LinuxPPC engine for Metacard I decided to 
try to
build a LinuxPPC standalone with Metacard 4 . . .

No joy whatsoever on a Mac as the standalone builder does not recognise 
the LinuxPPC engine
'mc' as such,

Having already built a BSD standalone on Ubuntu I suspect that I will 
have no problems
"on the wild side" . . .

[and, while I'm on about Linux I must say I like the Chromium browser a 
lot - on Mac as I am
'still' in the PPC era I use Stainless ]

Yup, appears to work (sometime this week will bung it over to the 
macMini that is running
Ubuntu 8.04.3 PPC and see what happens.

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