Embedding revlets in Wordpress pages or articles

Monte Goulding monte at sweattechnologies.com
Mon Aug 30 18:31:51 EDT 2010

>> Andre-
>> Monday, August 30, 2010, 1:22:48 PM, you wrote:
>>> Hello there!
>>> I tried to embed a revlet in a Wordpress page. doesn't seem to work. It
>>> hangs the system... I just added the <object></object> code just like O
>>> do for SWF files.
>>> Any idea?
>> Looking for this?
>> http://goulding.ws/2010/08/21/revweb-widget-for-wordpress/
> Great! BUT this is for widget area...
> Embedding in a text widget was already working because the code is not
> parsed by wp. But in a page, the code is parsed by the theme... So pages
> and articles are working differently.
> I hope that Monte Goulding is reading here and can help...

I replied on my blog to Andre but I thought I'd reply here too if anyone else is interested. To embed your revlet in a page or post you could use the Widgets on Pages plugin that gives you extra sidebars you can put widgets on and include with a shortcode. Down the track and depending on interest/need I will probably create a Revolution for WordPress plugin that includes shortcodes and widgets for revlets and revServer although for revServer people could just use an iframe widget or even the built in text widget with the iframe code in it.



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