Datagrid sorting

Marcello Bertoli mbertoli at
Mon Apr 26 11:52:43 EDT 2010

On 26/apr/2010, at 15.13, Andre.Bisseret wrote:

> A while later, trying to comment it, I discovered that it was working without any wait as well!!!
> I must confess that I am unable to explain why.
> I must add that the data grid I am using for trials has only 9 rows (3 dates with 3 names each)! could be the wait is necessary with much more rows(?)
> As it is working for me with or without "wait", I can't test; but you might try a far less long delay in the wait to get it unnoticeable!: something like "wait 1" (means 1 tick). Seems I have read somewhere that even "wait 0" could works as it forces the two commands to be strickly successive.

I used a wait 100 millisec for a datagrid with 500 rows. Probably it is related with the number of rows a datagrid has...

Thank you very much again!

Best Regards

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